Ludwig Museum Photo: Museum Ludwig

The Ludwig Museum in Cologne is one of the important attractions of the city. Here is a unique collection of contemporary art. Thanks to the art collector and industrialist Germany Peter Ludwig and his wife became possible arrangement of the exposition. They gave the city its fine collection in the style of pop art, which included more than 350 paintings, which formed the basis of the Museum Ludwig.

Despite such a significant contribution to the cultural life of Cologne, the couple continued to develop and Fund the Museum. Currently there is an extensive contemporary art collection and exhibition of historical photographs and books about art. The total area of the exhibition halls has about 8 thousand square meters, making it one of the most impressive and important museums of modern art in Europe.

The collection covers works which reflect different epochs of time: here you can see paintings of the era of art Nouveau and the works of his contemporaries. The special value of the Museum present the exhibition of American pop art belonging to such outstanding personalities as Robert Indiana, Jasper Jones and Roy Lichtenstein. Not to mention a fairly extensive collection of Russian avant-garde early XX century and many works of the great Pablo Picasso.

On the project of a modern building of the Museum Ludwig worked Oswald Ungers, as a result, in the centre of Cologne was built a beautiful house, sheltered within its walls is a unique collection and the exhibition, occupying two floors. This building was opened in 1986. Today the Museum continues to acquire and Fund new exhibits in the Museum, and conducts major exhibitions of international level, which attract residents and visitors alike.

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