The Roman-Germanic Museum Photo: the Roman-Germanic Museum

The Roman-Germanic Museum is located a short distance from the famous Cologne Cathedral and tells visitors about the fascinating discoveries of archaeology. Today, all exhibited in a modern building, light grey, which opened in 1974. In this Museum you can learn about the history of the Roman Empire and its provinces, which was located where the modern Cologne. Most of the subjects are very interesting and date back to the first centuries of our era.

The Roman-Germanic Museum began its existence in the post-war years, namely in 1946. This was preceded by the Association of German and Roman branches of the Wallraf-Richartz Museum. One of the most important exhibits of the Museum is the mosaic of Dionysus. This work of art belongs to the third century of our era, and is a special beauty mosaic floor. In ancient times, the floor was decorated with a rich Villa in Rome.

Many of the objects found during the excavations belong to the reign of the Emperor Augustus. In the Museum you can contemplate the remains of one of the Roman city walls, with a round tower. On the upper floors of the Museum, each visitor has a unique opportunity to learn more about the history of settlement in the region of Cologne, and from the Paleolithic era. A large number of items of Roman times were found during excavations, which were conducted on the territories of the Rhine port.

The most popular among the exhibits of the Museum are various sculptures related to I century A. D. these include images such notables as the Emperor Augustus and Agrippina the Elder.

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