Dead sea Photo: Dead sea

The dead sea is a unique natural monument and natural hospital. This is a salt lake, the surface of which lies 400 m below sea level, is considered the most saline body of water on the planet. The composition of water includes a large number of components - from bromine and chlorine to rare metals. Because of such a high salinity (salt content here 10 times more than in the salty seas of the world) the water is very “dense” and resembles a thick brine. And that salt provides world-renowned healing properties of the local water and mud.

Swimming in thick, oily to the touch water leaves an unforgettable experience and saves you from many diseases. Dry, clean, with a high concentration of bromine and almost dust-free air at a pressure of about 800 mm of mercury. article, is another factor of treatment. Yes, and the sun's rays are filtered with an additional layer of air (as does the 400 meters “above the norm”), and evaporation from the water surface act as a polarizing filter. Because of this of ultraviolet the radiation is strongly attenuated, which creates ideal conditions for heliotherapy.

Of, under which operate a modern treatment and rehabilitation centres, located in the North of the Dead sea, just a few kilometres from the mouth of a tributary of the Jordan river. And 300 metres from the place where it is believed, have sought refuge after the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah Lot and his daughters, a Museum of the Dead sea.

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