The Church of the assumption blessed virgin Mary in the Sarria Photo: Church of the assumption blessed virgin Mary in the Sarria

The Church of the assumption blessed virgin Mary in the Sarria – now known as Zaranski Church dedicated to the virgin Mary. The majestic neo-Gothic Church built by the architect Gustav mine in 1857.

Come to see the sights the tourists are surprised staring at the sky red fabulously beautiful Church – this Gothic in the midst of the ordinary Belarusian village. It is called the Red crystal or Stone body, because when the wind is strong standing alone with a carved tallest building emits a mournful howl.

Red Church is a monument touching, betrayed and sad love. It was built by a grieving widower Ignatius lopatinskiy – the Scion of a wealthy gentry family, in memory of the untimely deceased (in childbirth) young beloved wife Mary.

In distressful Belarus has never abated religious war. In those days, the power belonged to the Orthodox. For the erection of a Catholic Church was to go straight to Siberia. Ignatius Lopatinskiy lucky – Royal officials found it abnormal, thought he lost his mind from grief. Would someone in the head to build the temple right at the cemetery? The widower told his intention desire to erect a monument to his beloved wife.

Inconsolable pan Lopatinskiy managed not only to build and sanctify the Church, but to build a beautiful Park around the cemetery. However, the envious denounced the authorities and the beautiful Church was forcibly transferred to Orthodoxy under the name of resurrection Church.

In the Soviet Union the Church and is used for storage of fertilizers, and they were going to do it in a two-storey entertainment. Ironically, the war had spared beautiful Gothic monument, but from the former rich estates Lopatinskiy there was only one gate.

In our time on the initiative of local farm Director Vladimir Skrobov was partial restoration of the Church. In 1989 the Church was returned to the Orthodox Church and consecrated as the Church of the assumption.

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The Church of the assumption blessed virgin Mary in the Sarria
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