Juma Photo: Juma

In the IX century the city of Derbent was mostly Arab city, but by the X-XI century it became a multicultural and multiethnic. According to the testimony of the Arabian author Abu Hamid al-Garnati, here lived the Arabs, Persians, Lezgins, Dargin, Ossetians, Tabasarans, Avars, Turks, and Kubachi town, lakhs, kajtazi and other nationalities. To 733, the house was built seven mosques. For making Friday prayers (Juma) additionally acted Central mosque. Every year mosques became more and more. To 1796 in the city there were already fifteen mosques. But one of the main sources of the spread of Islam on the territory of Russia became the Juma mosque, located in the Central part of the city of Derbent.

Juma mosque is an architectural ensemble, which consists of mosque, madrasah and residential premises for imams. The mosque was built in 733-734 G. At that time she was the largest urban construction in the city.

Throughout its long history Juma mosque was rebuilt several times. Today, above its entrance, for example, you can see the inscription, which States that in 1368-1369, the mosque was restored after a strong earthquake Tajuddin. The construction of the madrasah in the Juma mosque began in 1474-1475, the expansion of the madrasa and the formation of the whole complex ended only in 1815

In 1930, the mosque was closed. From 1938 to 1943 it was under the jurisdiction of the NKVD and was used as a city prison. And only in the third year of the war she was placed in the hands of the religious of the city organization. In Soviet times, the Derbent Juma mosque was the largest in the whole Northern Caucasus and remained the only one in southern Dagestan.

Despite the change of times, natural disasters and all tests of time, the mosque is well preserved until today. The mosque is made in the composition of cultural heritage of UNESCO.

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