The Church Of St. Margarita Photo: Church Of St. Margarita

The parish Church of St. Margaret of Antioch city of Durham was founded in the XII century. She is one of the oldest parts of the city – Crossgate. Before the Church of St. Margaret was just an additional Church for the residents of the area belonging to the parish of St. Oswald. In the fourteenth century came the advent of the actual St. Margaret's, but the administration of the ordinances in the Church was forbidden, which led to conflicts between the faithful and the prior of the city of Durham. The high point of this conflict was an indication of the Signoria in 1343 to make out of the temple baptismal font, the font was returned, but permission to conduct religious ceremonies in the Church of St. Margaret was obtained only in 1431. It was then consecrated churchyard.

The Church building of St. Margaret dated circa 1150, in that time, the Church consisted of a nave, South aisle and the altar. At the end of the XII century was added to the North aisle, and it is worth noting that the North nave not only above, but also made sleeker than the South, even though they are made in one, Romano-Norman architectural style. Survived two Norman Windows made in the same time – one in the altar part of the Cathedral, the other at the top of the southern nave. In the XIV century the South aisle was re: added new upper window. In the fifteenth century to the South of the altar was added to the chapel of the virgin Mary, and a tower was added. Two of the three Church bells were made in the same century, the third century later, in the XVI century. Saint Margaret's Church was restored in the second half of the XIX century was built inside the Church and outside. Was rebuilt, the North aisle and the Windows were inserted modern stained glass Windows.

In 1909 the Church of St. Margaret in memory of those killed in the Anglo-Boer war was donated to the Department with a sculpture of an eagle. In 1917, the Church acquired an organ, designed by the renowned company for the production of bodies Harrison&Harrison located in Durham. In 1993, the Church acquired a sculpture of the Madonna and Child, made by a local artist and symbolizing motherhood.

Inside the Church, though not rich decorated, very spacious and different kind of asymmetry, which emphasizes the various stages of its construction. The Church is quite a lot of memorial slabs, Dating from the XVII and XVIII centuries.

At St. Margaret's for over 150 years there is a primary school in the old building which now houses the Center of the Church of St. Margaret of assistance to mentally ill, which was founded in 1991.

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