The Chapel Of The Mother Of God Photo: Chapel Of The Mother Of God

A small chapel, which belongs to the town Frymburk, but is beyond it, was erected in 1898 by the local architect of Wagner always. The compact construction of the Church cost the city in 2 thousand gold. Half of this sum was allocated from the funds, organized by the parish priest from Frymburk Benedict Sobotka. The missing part has made the monastery of coarse sand from Schlaegl.

Modest building with an area of 6X8 meters is decorated with a low tower with a thin spire. The chapel is located in a picturesque location – on the hill, which is called In March (German name – Marieberg). With its staircase of the magnificent panorama of Frymburk, mange spots and other nearby settlements. The weather is nice there you can see even the Alps on the horizon. To the chapel leads the way of the cross, which is now on the road with good pavement. Starting it takes right in the center of Friburgo – at the town square Market. The via Dolorosa until 1950 marched the procession for the service at the chapel, which because of their small size could not accommodate everyone, so people were standing around it. The chapel of the Mother of God and the way of the cross in the times of the Communist regime were forgotten. The Church building was destroyed gradually, but still had to be repaired. The reconstruction of the chapel was held in the end of XX century with German immigrants, who collected money for this. A new chapel was consecrated in 2000. However, she now also needs minor repairs, but the authorities of Which promise to solve the problem.

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