The Barque Viking Photo: The Barque Viking

The barque Viking is a four-masted ship, built in 1906 by the Danish company Burmeister Wain in Copenhagen. Today it is the largest sailing ship ever built in Scandinavia.

Initially, the "Viking" was built as a training ship for the needs of fast-growing Danish merchant fleet. At the time, seaworthiness and carrying capacity of the ship was a priority. In July of 1909, during transportation of wheat from Australia, when the bark was loaded to the max, captain Niels Clausen recorded a speed record in the logbook: 15, 5 knots (28, 7 km/h). February 25, 1917 "Viking" was spotted and stopped by the Germans, who, however, allowed him to continue his journey, as being the property of the Danish ship was neutral. This was a very good coincidence, because in the next few weeks Germany will revert to the unrestricted naval warfare, a tactic which meant that the ship would be subject to immediate sinking.

In 1929 the "Viking" was registered under the Finnish flag and attached to the sailing fleet Erickson, which was based on the åland Islands. Burke was part of the fleet of Erickson until 1950. In the late 1940-ies "Viking" had to be disposed of, however, the Swedish government has saved the ship, and he was moored in 1950 in the guest harbour of Gothenburg, where he is currently. Because of low bridges, which separate the sailboat from the sea, barque Viking is unlikely to ever be walking in the open sea again. Currently the ship is converted into an hotel "Viking".

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