Bethlehem in Novi Forest Kuks Photo: Bethlehem in Novi Forest Kuks

Near the Czech town of cooks near the krkonoše mountains have an unusual forest, most of which lies a whole complex of sculptures made famous by master Matthias Bernard Braun. It's that he owns works that adorn Prague's Charles bridge.

The customer sculpture Park Bethlehem was made by count františek antonín of Spark. He was the inspirer and author of the idea. Baroque sculpture were created directly into the rock in 1717-1732 years. Using these figures, depicting various saints, sculptor brown wanted to recreate a place that would be conducive to prayer and solitude, helped to focus and to turn to God without prying eyes. This really is an amazing song called "Bethlehem" listed in the list of UNESCO selects objects for protection, and therefore, provides funding for reconstruction. There is hope that Bethlehem in Novi Forest will soon be under the protection of UNESCO.

The most interesting sculptures in this complex is the arrival of the three kings, the statue of St. Onuphrius, the adoration of the shepherds, the Vision of St. Hubert. There is a bench of stone, now called the seat brown. She decorated the book, which is the symbol of St. Paul.

Some statues were moved to the garden at the hospital in the center of Kuks. There you can see the sculpture of St. Jerome with the lion, the figure of a Great Christian warrior, a fragment of a statue of a slave woman Hagar.

All green from the time the statues look very unusual and even scary, when you consider that around a deserted place. But tourists are happy to overcome the way here to see with your own eyes the creation of a great master.

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