The Gorge Of Sarakina Photo: The Gorge Of Sarakina

The gorge of Sarakina is located in the southeastern part of the island of Crete. Its origin near the gorge takes a small village MIFI 15-16 km West of Ierapetra. The gorge is 1, 5 km and ends near the coastal village of Myrtos. The gorge of Sarakina quite narrow. Its width ranges from an average of three to ten meters and only a few places wider. The height of the cliffs surrounding the gorge is 150 m, which given its width, it looks impressive. In the gorge flows a small mountain river Tripotamos with clean water. During the year the water level in the river changes and in winter reaches the maximum level, which makes the journey through the gorge in this period. In the summer a leisurely walk through the gorge will take approximately 1-1. 5 hours.

According to ancient legend, the giant Sarantaporo (son of Zeus) stopped at the river flowing here to drink water. His long beard tore the mountain in two, and thus formed the gorge. So the locals often call it the "gorge Sarantaporo".

The transition of this valley belongs to the middle level of difficulty. Except for some places it is quite smooth and legkoprohodimye. Overall, the journey through the gorge will not require climbing equipment, but some skills and not be too careful. Lush vegetation a variety of colors and the singing of wild birds will give the traveler a sense of harmony and complete unity with nature.

Picturesque gorge of Sarakina is one of the most beautiful in Crete. This is a lovely unique monument of wildlife, which annually attracts thousands of tourists, both local and foreign.

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