The Ursuline convent and chapel of the virgin Mary Photo: the Ursuline Convent and chapel of the virgin Mary

Walking through the historic centre of jeseník in Masaryk square you can see the whole complex of former Church buildings, which the locals still call "the monastery". The most notable building is the chapel of the virgin Mary.

The construction of the monastery began in 1896 under the auspices of the order of Ursulines. The main purpose of this complex was the organization of educational institutions for children of citizens. The first house built by churchmen, was the building that now bears the number 154. With time in the main square of the city buildings schools and hostels where it was supposed to accommodate teachers and students. At the high school level, taught English, German and French. In addition, children are taught history, music, art, logic, shorthand, literature, cooking and sewing. All of these Sciences were studied during 4 years of study. The school was taught by sisters Ursulines. They were proud of their system of teaching. To get a decent education here could as girls from rich families, and bride. For those who wish courses were organized by the household.

The monastic complex was expanded. In 1896-1897 on its territory was the chapel of the virgin Mary, which was built to replace the small chapel, where they could not fit everyone. On the project of the chapel worked Johan Groger created and the previous buildings. The facade of the chapel was decorated in pseudomomentum style. The interior of the new Church was distinguished by the splendor and wealth. Its decoration was a statue of baby Jesus to the height of 60 cm, which was dressed in different clothes, as the Prague Azulado. The locals believed that this sculpture was created in the XIII century. Unfortunately, during the second world war, many elements were lost. During the Communist regime in the Czech Republic, the monastery was closed, and its buildings are placed under a hospital ward.

In our days in the monastery reopened the school.

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