St. Vladimir's Church Photo: St. Vladimir's Church

Currently in Latvia there are 120 Orthodox churches (10 years ago there were 76) and 2 monasteries. We want to highlight the Orthodox Church in the name of the Holy Prince Vladimir in Dubulti. Dubulti is part of the city of jūrmala and is 22 km from Riga.

For the first time about necessity of creation of the Orthodox Church in Jurmala started talking in the middle of the XIX century. Baltic chamber of the state property was ordered that the allocated land for the construction of the Church. Construction started the first Guild merchant Lomonosov. And the SS brotherhood, created with Paul Cathedral in Riga, began to care and supervise the construction of the temple.

The construction of the temple and its internal construction was completed in 1867. Consecrated in honor of the Great Prince Vladimir. The consecration was held by the Archbishop of Riga and Mitau Plato.

At first, services were held only in the summer months. In the temple was not a permanent priest. The parish was also absent. Only in 1902, Church services were held in the winter. This happened twice in a month. The temple began to visit more people. Parishioners helped the Church as best. They helped to raise funds for the shroud for the temple. The temple was heated collected through donations. Was about to 150 people. In 1906, worship services were held daily. Implementation was in three languages: Church Slavic, Latvian and German.

In the years 1897-1900 at the Church operated a parochial school. It is noteworthy that the main part of the disciples were Lutherans (47 of 57). After the school ceased its operation. Then Alfred V. Mirbach (Lutheran Baron), occupying the post of head gubernskoi police, has allocated funds for the repair of the Church and Church buildings adjacent to it.

In the beginning of XX century the brotherhood of SS engaged in the construction of a chapel adjoining the Church, on Dubbeldam fraternal cemetery. In Dubulti at that time was already built another temple on the Riga coast. Therefore his Eminence Agafangel, the Archbishop of Riga and Mitau, sends in the Church the priest Quimicos Church, father Nicholas Shalfeeva. Subsequently, in 1913, he will become rector of the parish.

The temple of the Holy Prince Vladimir had the First world war, the 1917 revolution, the change of government and remained unharmed. In 1943, the Church took refugee children, whose parents were shot or burned to death in German camps.

In 1944 in the Church have been broken shutters, broken glass. All the interior had to temporarily move to Kazan Church, located on the territory of modern Dzintari. In 1962 by the decision of the Latvian authorities that the Church simply for the day defeated, and all its property was transferred back to the Dubulti Church.

In our day, rector of St. Vladimir Church is father Vladimir (Ratsep). It is included in the Synod of the Latvian Orthodox Church and teaches at the Riga Theological Seminary.

It is noteworthy that since 1902 once a year in the temple of the Holy Prince Vladimir for worship brought the Pskov-Pechora Vladimir icon of the mother of God "Tenderness". But in 1907 there for some time were one of the main shrines of the Latvian Orthodox Church is the miraculous Jakobstads icon of the Mother of God (re-written the image currently resides in Jekabpils Holy Spirit monastery).

A lot of people from different parts of Latvia and neighbouring countries attended the Dubulti the temple to pray before brought miraculous icons. According to witnesses, many of the pilgrims were getting rid of various kinds of diseases and ailments.

The icon of Panteleimon the healer's silver, the icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov, an ancient icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and the image was written shortly blessed eldress Matrona of Moscow – one of the most revered icons of the temple today. A beautiful and unique icon of the Lord Almighty, the Resurrection of the Lord, the archangels Michael and Gabriel, the Kazan icon of the virgin Mary adorn the right and left aisles of the Church. They were delivered from the destruction of the temple in Dzintari, which was written earlier.

At St. Vladimir's Church you can see the icons of the saints that are rarely found in the other churches of Latvia. This images of Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, Theodosius of Chernigov, Nina, Olga, Catherine, Tatiana, Valentina, Constantine and Helena. The image of a Great Prince Vladimir is in the king's gate.

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