Holy Elizabethan monastery Photo: St. Elizabeth's monastery

One of the few monasteries that were built in our time, is on the outskirts of Kaliningrad, close to the historic Fort №5 (by Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm III).

Holy Elizabethan monastery was founded by Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna Koltsova, who invested their own money in the construction of the temple, which later became the main sanctuary of the convent.

In 2000, in the Central district of Kaliningrad with the blessing of Metropolitan Kirill of Smolensk and Kaliningrad Cyril (later Patriarch of All Russia) was established by the Holy Elizabethan monastery. Nowadays, the monastery with the Church of Elizaveta Feodorovna and the Church of the Mother of God "soothe My Sorrows" is a compound, and the convent is located in a picturesque place of the Kaliningrad district (the settlement of the United States).

In the monastery there are three existing monastery in honour of the PDP. Alexander Svirsky, the Saint Ferapont Mozhaisk, Spyridon) and three under construction. In the temples there are the relics of saints Fyodor Ushakov, Alexander Svirsky and Spyridon. Also on the territory of the monastery is the gallery of paintings prioress Elizabeth, the Museum in honor of the Royal strastoterptsev, a source with fonts and tanks of Holy water. In the center of the nunnery erected a marble monument to the Princess. Next to Abbey house where there is a refectory and a hotel for pilgrims to the Holy well is located.

Tourist attraction Holy Elizabethan monastery is also considered a memorial cross, a height of 25 meters.

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