Assumption Church Photo: Church of the assumption

The first assumption Church was mentioned in 1685. Then it was wooden and had six bells. The construction of the stone Church began in 1754, consecrated on 4 may 1762. In 1783 he painted the altar. In 1799 he built a three-tiered bell tower.

In pre-revolutionary times, the Church was described as five-domed. Chapters were localizedname; on each face of an octahedron, holding Central Chapter, the faces of the saints were placed. The bell tower was rectangular. In her second tier on each side was very prominent forward to the portico, in the corners - for a Tuscan column.

Inside the Church was painted and had the rich iconography. Especially venerated in the temple: the Korsun icon of the mother of God and icon of St. righteous about. In the annexe to the temple housed a parochial school.

In 1936 the Church was closed, the building housed sewing workshops. In 1960 the Church has recognized architectural monument of national importance. In 1968, it was restored and it was Kaluga restoration workshops.

25 November 1998 of the assumption Church was given to the Kaluga diocese in a rather ugly way: five chapters were demolished, the interior was rebuilt. The restoration of the Church began with cleaning of the building and dismantling of internal partitions.

Now in the Dormition Church has two side altars: in the name of St. Seraphim of Sarov and St. Nicholas. Restored bell tower, rebuilt five chapters, ongoing internal and external decoration.

The consecration of the Church took place in 2004. Restored the main chapel and consecrated in the name of the assumption of the blessed virgin. June 12, 2013 first service was held. The services are conducted in the chapels of St. Nicholas and St. Seraphim of Sarov.

In 2007 he opened a Sunday school for adults, operates video and audio collection, library. The Church is functioning pilgrimage service, which organizes trips believers to the Holy sites of Russia.

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