Nikolo-Kozinskaya Church Photo: Nicolo-Kozinskaya Church

Nikolo-Kozinskaya the Church originally stood in the fortress in the town square. At the current location, Goat Slobodka, it was moved in 1775-1779, and built in stone on public donations. The first Church was a single altar. In 1844 to Nikolo-Kozinskaya the temple refectory was attached with two chapels: one in honor of the Holy hierarchs of Moscow Alexy, Peter, Philip, Ions and Hermogenes, the second in honor of the Tikhvin icon of the mother of God. Also there was attached the bell tower, which became the dominant architectural the temple ensemble. The bell tower is designed in the best traditions of Russian architecture and powerful crowned helmet dome.

The temple is made in the style of a provincial classicism. Double-height square covered with a groin vault and is crowned by one head. The quadrangle is adjacent a lower chancel volume with apse, side discharge arches and barrel vault. The altar is separated from the main Church stone blank wall with three arched doorways. The bell tower and refectory has an eclectic style. The temple is covered with a semicircular tent.

The improvement of the temple was actively engaged in the huckster Fedor Antonovich Izvekov, the Church warden, who is from private funds donated for the temple of 600 rubles. With his finances in 1899-1900 he repaired the refectory and re-painted the walls of the temple, vytlacil iconostasis, covered floors ceramic floor tiles. In 1848, the Church opened a parochial school.

In 1935 the Church was closed and used the building as a warehouse "Sagittary". Then it housed the Department Renovationist Bishop" Rastorguev A. I., then the Church was closed again. In 1941, the German occupation authorities handed over the building of the temple Church. After the liberation of Kaluga in 1942 the Church was closed again. Immediately after the war, he again became operational.

Since 1992, the Church is a Sunday school. The clergy of the Church carries out the care of prisoners in ITU and detention facility, students of the sociology faculty of the pedagogical University, officers of the military unit in Azarova. To the parish of St. Nicholas Kozinskaya Church assigned the Church of the Nativity in the tanners.

The local Church is a monument of architecture and urban design. At the St. Nicholas Church preserved its rich decoration, including the iconostasis. Most of the icons are written in old Russian traditions. In low bunk side-altar iconostasis next to a modern set of icons and earlier periods. In the local tier of the main iconostasis is an ancient temple hagiographical icon of St. Nicholas, which was moved from the old wooden Church. The icon is especially revered by the parishioners. In the Church there are icons of closed churches and Kaluga. In front of the right choir is the icon of the Annunciation of the virgin, Dating from the first half of the 18 in.brought here from the ruins of the Church of the Annunciation. To the most revered icons of the Church are: the icon of St. Nicholas, located in the iconostasis of the Tikhvin chapel, Kazan icon of the Mother of God, Kaluga icon of the mother of God icon "assuage my sorrows" icon Gurias, Samonas and Aviv; the icon of saints Zosima and Savvaty of Solovki, Korsun icon of the Mother of God.

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