The Church of the Nativity Photo: Church of the Nativity "the tanners"

The Church of the Nativity "the tanners" is on the bottom of a street of Engels to the eye. Previously, the Church stood in the old tanners, near the Church of the intercession of "under the mountain". In 1797 the Church was moved by the first master plan for the city, dated 1778 (architect – P. R. Nikitin). Here were also transferred many tanneries and factories. Therefore the Church is called "the tanners".

The construction of the Church was directed by the architect I. D. Assigin. In 1834, the Church is still small meal added a new, more spacious. Then built and a three-tiered bell tower. Until the 1880s, it was a separate building, but then it was connected with the building of the Church.

The Church has three altars. The main altar of the Nativity, two chapel in honor of Saint Savvaty and Zosima of Solovki and in honor of the icon "Joy of All who sorrow". During the war in 1941, the completion of the bell tower was destroyed, damaged South facades of the building of the Church.

After the war, during the two decades before the temple was empty. In the 1960s, it housed a warehouse of salt. In the 1980s, the building wanted to use for an entertainment complex, but the project was never implemented. In 1997, the Church was given to the Kaluga diocese.

The first divine Liturgy took place there on 19 April 2003. On the eve of the blessing of Archbishop Clement parish rector priest Serge Nipples small rite consecrated the right altar in the name of venerable Zosimas and Sabbatius.

In the temple there is a tradition of holding weekly prayers before the icon of the "Holy Queen" of the infirm, due to which many patients receive healing.

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