The Museum of the war of 1812 Photo: Museum of the war of 1812

The Museum of the war of 1812 is located in Kaluga, in the memorial house G. S. Batenkov, party campaigns of 1813 and 1814, Decembrist.

In the Museum visitors can get acquainted with the objects that belong to the era of 1812, among them the banner of Azov musketeer regiment 1803 (with the regiment through the entire war and the campaign of 1813, 1814, Banner Kaluga militia, portraits of residents who took part in the war, French, Russian, English, German, Spanish, American prints, which is dedicated to the events of the Napoleonic wars, armour and weapons, memorial sword, which belonged to voennoplennomu French officer, the Comte de Boole.

The collection of the Museum of 1812 is unique and allows its visitors to learn about the events of world war II through the original ones, the fate of specific people.

Kaluga war period characterized by radical turn in the fight opponents when in September – October in the military arena has been an unexpected change. Napoleon, who came to Moscow the winner, by the beginning of October in the position of seeking the world of the defeated commander. Chief of Russian armies M. I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov by early October had efficient reorganized the army, which was ready to continue the war with Napoleon.

At this time there is a dramatic course of hostilities in favor of Russia, which ultimately led to the death of the French army. Of more than 500 thousand people living in less than a quarter. Such an outcome was associated with a number of important events that occurred in September – October 1812 in the territory from Moscow to a Linen Factory.

These events include: the abandonment of Moscow by Russian troops, flanking maneuver, the arrival of the Red Bahru and discharge to the Tarutino position. Tarutino camp was located exactly in the Kaluga region. Here the Russian army after they left Moscow, restored combat capability and raise his morale. On the border of Moscow and Kaluga provinces October 6th occurred the Tarutino battle, during which the French detachment under the command of Murat was defeated. 12 October took place the battle of Maloyaroslavets, the result of which was the retreat of Napoleon's army.

October 13 near Medyn ' Cossack regiments V. A. Buhalova and G. D. Ilovaisky defeated the vanguard of the Polish corps of Napoleon's army. The Emperor of France it was demonstrated that the Russian army and securely covers the southern direction, which influenced the decision of Napoleon to retreat along the old road.

In addition to these military operations, perelomili the tide of the war in Kaluga province in 1812, was carried out large-scale activities to protect the borders from enemy units and on the needs of the Russian army.

During the war, merchants, nobles, burghers, clergy sacrificed for the Russian army provisions, items, weapons, money, silver. The plants of Kaluga province and produced a variety of ammunition. Peasants formed the militia, which took an active part in the fighting on the borders, and for the liberation of the southern district of Mogilev and Smolensk provinces. In Kaluga, Medovska, Mosalsk, Kozelsk turned temporary hospitals. Via Kaluga province more than ten thousand prisoners, of whom more than a hundred remained here until the conclusion of peace. In Kaluga the General M. A. Miloradovich formed new parts to replenish the existing troops.

Civil Governor of the Kaluga Kaverin P. N. on the limits of the province were formed self-defense units, which formed a chain of protective cordons, which was maintained Cossack regiments, militia, regular troops. Such measures led to the fact that the marauders, and foragers from the hostile army was unable to penetrate deep into the Kaluga province. In Yukhnov district of Smolensk province, in August 1812, came under the management of the Kaluga Governor, was the same thing. Here on the Vyazma – Kaluga acted Cossack enforcement detachment Timirova N. And., in the city was used as a rear base D. V. Davydov, about settlements fought the militias.

After August 28, 1812 Kaluga province was declared under martial law, the office of the Governor of the Kaluga gave Roslavl and Elniski counties Smolensk province, from December 2 of that year the Governor was driving and all of the Smolensk province.

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