Bystrinsky nature Park Photo: Bystrinsky nature Park

Bystrinsky nature Park is the most extensive "specially protected area" of Kamchatka. Established in 1995, the Park is located in the Central part of the Peninsula.

Natural Park is part of one of the biggest mountain ranges of Kamchatka, is dominated by coniferous and birch forests, Alpine tundra and meadows. Bystrinsky Park embraced the traditional places of settlement evens reindeer herders who have settled in Kamchatka, about 150 years ago. It is considered to be the only place where there are indigenous peoples – Itelmens, evens and Koryaks. In the village of Esso, you can visit the ethnographic Museum, which stores objects of everyday life and culture of the Kamchatka natives.

The Park covers an area of 1 million 325 thousand hectares. there are two major fields of modern glaciation, namely an array of Ichinsky volcano and the mountains of Casalonga-of Alney. In addition, there is also several groups of thermal mineral springs renowned for their healing properties.

The most large-scale volcanic structures of the Park are Large volcanoes Palpan, Alney, Anoun, Ichinsky, Dieren-Olengende, Hangar, Changeman and Anavatan. Other, smaller, volcanic structures also attract the attention of both researchers and tourists.

Most plant zones of Central Kamchatka is concentrated in Bystrinsky nature Park. The Western slopes of the Central range are busy kamennoberezovye and East tall coniferous forests of yeddo spruce and Larix cajanderi.

The main feature of the fauna of terrestrial mammals Bystrinsky Park – a combination of mountain, forest and tundra forms. The most typical kinds of animals that live here are considered Northern pika, hare, brown bear, marmot, bighorn sheep, sable and river otter.

The nature of Bystrinsky nature Park is unique, therefore there is the second name of these places - "Kamchatka Switzerland". Valley Park is covered by dense deciduous and coniferous forests, meandering rivers and streams that run down from the slopes of the surrounding mountains.

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