The Temple Of Maruzi Photo: The Temple Of Maruzi

The house is a labyrinth, outside a two-story, and within it the whole four floors, 23 rooms and 29 staircases, well of water, and an underground passage to Kanazawa castle is the Buddhist temple of Maruzi, also known as Ninja-Dera (Ninja temple). In the secret rooms once practiced their skills, the ninja warriors, and now their stunts show visitors during the tours. The temple of Maruzi belongs to the sect of mystic destinations Nichiren.

The temple was built in 1585 by order of Maeda Toshiie, the founder of the princely possession Kaga. First, the temple is placed next to the Kanazawa castle, but in 1643 Maeda, Toshitsune moved it to the area Tera-machi, located to the South of the castle. From the temples, dressed only in Tera-machi, Maeda clan has created a kind of defensive shield in case of attack by the ruling Tokugawa clan and the temple of Maruzi was it camouflaged Outpost. Its secret passages, staircases, secret rooms were designed to confuse the enemy and to help in the temple to escape. The builders of the Church had prepared a lot of traps for enemies, among which are tiltable floors, stairs, firing spears through the floorboards, locking doors, and more. Tell that all these complicated mechanics of the temple even after several centuries is in good condition and functioning perfectly.

The temple was built around the well at a depth of 25 meters, through which one could get into the tunnel leading to Kanazawa castle. The temple was built with a large margin of safety not only in case of hostilities, but also in case of natural disasters, particularly typhoons and earthquakes. From the observation tower of the temple, a good view of the surroundings. The Church was even created room for seppuku – ritual suicide, in case the enemy breaks the defence of Maruzi.

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