Castle Lodi Photo: Castle Lodi

Castle Lodi began in 1548 brothers Louis and John of Lodi. The construction of the castle was started with the permission of the Duke of Trogir Garcinica. But the castle was never finished, because the brothers were killed during the construction. Son of John of Lodi did not continue his father's work, of his family, only his sister Catherine, who did not have male heirs. Thus, the lock Lodi remained unfinished.

In appearance the castle Lodi resembles a medieval stone Fort with massive wooden doors leading to the mainland. Like many castles kaštela, construction Lodi began on a small island, so the castle is connected with the shore by a small stone bridge.

In the late 17th century the building became the property of the noble family of Papalic. Unfinished castle became a haven for refugees from USKOK, devastated by Turkish raids. For a long time the technical condition of the castle no one was watching, so he began to collapse and quickly emptied.

In 2009-2012 year was large-scale reconstruction of Lodi. During 2010, were restored floors of the building, using metal structures and walls were strengthened. In addition, the castle was electrified, at the present time in the premises of the castle hosts various cultural events.

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