Annunciation Cathedral Photo: the Cathedral of the Annunciation

Annunciation Cathedral is located in the Central part of Kaunas, close to the station. Maples and birch, poplar and Linden surround the territory of the Cathedral and slowly are moving into the area of the Park. The Park, which houses the Cathedral of the Annunciation and the resurrection Church, used to be a necropolis, where many Christians have found themselves buried.

The temple was built in 1932. After 3 years it was consecrated. The Cathedral, which came along with resurrection Church, built for some reason. The resurrection Church with a bell tower were built in 1862 at the former Carmelite cemetery on donations of parishioners. Initially, the parish was small, but after a while the number of believers has increased so much that they could hardly fit in the walls of the temple. In the beginning of XX century there was a parish school, Russian elementary school and high school, the brotherhood and the Sisterhood.

In 1918, after the adoption by Lithuania's independence, more than a dozen Kaunas Orthodox churches was given to the new owners. The resurrection Church still could not accommodate everyone. Therefore, the Diocesan Council, it was decided to ask the government to return the Orthodox Church of Peter and Paul, located in laisvės Avenue. Small side chapel of the Cathedral was in the power of the Byzantine rite, Catholic services were held at the high altar. This Cathedral was once the garrison. City officials have not returned the Council, but proposed to erect near the resurrection temple Church, the construction of which they have been allocated funds, and upon completion of the construction work was entirely returned to the iconostasis of the main altar of the Cathedral.

In 1932, construction began on a new Church. Allocated funds were insufficient for the erection of a new Church, therefore, Orthodox people donated, according to their capabilities, funds, and several parishioners participated directly in the construction of the Cathedral.

Pastoral care of the flock of the new Cathedral of the Annunciation was commissioned by mitred Archpriest Evstafy Calissano, selflessly working here until 1941. Archpriest Vasily Medvecky was the second priest.

In 1923, during the occupation of Vilnius region Poland, Metropolitan Eleutherius (Epiphany) was asked to lead part of Vilnius and Lithuania diocese within the limits of the independent Lithuania. An Episcopal see was moved by the Lord from Vilnius to Kaunas. Here he settled in the Church building. Only in 1939, Metropolitan Eleutherius moved back to the Holy spirit monastery. It was he who guided the custody of the temple and took care of the landscaping of the Church life of the parish. A great interest of Eleutherios caused great choir. He came and participated in choral singing, because she loved singing and had a good voice. In 1940 the place of the Bishop was sent to Metropolitan Sergius, also showing great care of the Annunciation Church.

In 1962, the decision of the state authorities, the resurrection Church was closed, and in Kaunas remained effective only one Annunciation Cathedral.

Annunciation Cathedral built in the Vladimir-Suzdal style, with five domes, crowned with gilded crosses. The building was built of brick gray. The Western facade is decorated porch with columns and three entrances to the temple. Inside the vaults of the Cathedral is based on four columns. In chancel – two altars: the main altar was consecrated in honor of the Annunciation and the right-hand side chapel, consecrated in honor of saints Vilna martyrs Anthony, John and Eustathius.

Revered relic of the Cathedral is the miraculous icon Surdacki of the Mother of God. To treat it with the prayers of the Orthodox of Lithuania, but also believers who come from abroad. Few know that in the Church there is the icon with the relics of St. Euphrosyne of Polotsk.

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