The Temple Of Kawasaki Daishi Photo: The Temple Of Kawasaki Daishi

Kawasaki Daishi is an informal name of a Buddhist temple Makenzi, built in the XII century and it is highly revered among the pilgrims. Especially popular temple for the ritual of hatsumode – first visit of places of worship in the new year. In addition, it is believed that prayers in this temple, can help to protect from evil and to survive the so-called "bad" years, and these traditions were laid in the times of Samurais and shoguns and employ for several centuries.

Kawasaki Daishi first was a small temple built by a wandering monk, and today the area of the temple complex consists of more than 33 thousand square meters. Unfortunately, the ancient image of the Church has not been preserved. Its buildings were destroyed during the Second world war, and those buildings that can be seen today, were restored in the second half of the twentieth century. The main Shrine of the temple is a statue of Kukai – during the war were kept outside of the temple and therefore not affected.

The temple was built and became revered thanks to the wonderful stories that happened to Cannanore Hiram – a warrior that has fallen out of favor with the shogun. Stripped of all honours and banished from his estate, Hiram was fishing in the Gulf near the place where now is Tokyo. Once he in the dream was a monk and the founder of the Buddhist Shingon Kukai and told him to catch his statue, which lies in the sea near the shore. According to him, Kukai himself carved his own statue and threw it into the sea to the statue found afflicted and their worship would have been his defense. Hiram did. Some time later, at his hut came across Concen – the wandering monk and a disciple of Kukai. He built a small temple, which would have kept the statue of the master.

Shortly after Hiram had restored to his rights and returned to the estate, and he, in gratitude, gave half of his fortune to the temple. The word justified samurai scattered throughout the country, and in the temple reached the pilgrims. During the reign of the shoguns of the Tokugawa dynasty, the temple has become popular not only among ordinary people but also among the nobility. Rulers and aristocrats came with the prayers that successfully survive the age considered to be adverse is 42 years for men and 33 years for women.

Currently in the temple there are many rituals for the prosperity of business, better health, successful completion of exams successful course of pregnancy, confinement of a happy marriage and even to prevent accidents on the roads.

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