The cable car to the top of mount Tahtali Photo: Cable car to the top of mount Tahtali

Mount Tahtali, also known as mount Olympos, is the hallmark of the Turkish resort of Kemer and the highest peak of the National Park of Olympos-Beydaglari. The mountain is 2365 meters above sea level, so it can be seen from almost any point of Kemer, plus it is perfectly visible from the sea. The name of the mountain - "Tahtali" in Turkish means "Board", "boards".

Part of the mountain, which is not higher than 1900 meters, very rich in vegetation and looks emerald green. But above this mark of any vegetation disappears. From January to April, the slopes of Tahtali always covered with a layer of snow and ice. In the spring months all this beauty is painted in red due to the blowing winds from the Sahara, bringing the mountain sand characteristic color.

The history of mount Tahtali related to a large number of myths and legends, and the locals consider it one of the most mysterious mountains of Turkey. The famous Greek writer Homer mentions of mount Olympos in his famous work "the Iliad". He says that the mythical Chimera, a monster with the body of a goat, the head of a lion and the tail of the snake, lived not far from Olympos. The hero of the poem Bellerophon in the fight with the monster threw it on top of the mountain now called mount Chimera. The monster did not die and continues to live inside her. It is constantly spewing out of the ground the flames, very well visible in the dark. Nowadays it is already known that this unique process is associated with the presence in the mountain natural gas that reaches the surface of the mountain and seeps through it in sufficient concentration to its open burning. It is also believed that the name of the monster Chimera was the name of the town of Kemer.

To appreciate the grandeur and beauty of mount Tahtali, using the passenger ropeway Olympos Teleferik located near Kemer. A road leads to the top of the mountain and is currently very popular among tourists and locals. The road was built in 2007. Its design and construction was conducted by a Swiss company. To implement this project had to build a cargo ropeway for transportation of materials to construction of the upper station and objects along the line of the road was transported 3700 cubic meters of concrete, 4,500 cubic meters of water, 420 tons of iron/steel and 8600 tons of units.

This cable car is one of the longest in Europe and second longest in the world. Its length is equal to 4350 meters with a height difference of at 1639 m, because of what the Turks call this guided tour of the "sea to sky". The cable car will spend in the way not too much time – about ten minutes (the speed is 10 m/s), but it's enough to enjoy beautiful scenery, views of the sea, of dark-green pine trees, a beautiful gorge and majestic mountains. The lift is performed in booths, seats up to 80 people.

Boarding is done at the base station height above sea level is 726 metres. The resort can be reached by bus or by car. Here you can eat in cafes and even a mini-zoo. Top station is a powerful three-storey building. There are halls of arrival and anticipation, two good restaurants with panoramic views and terrace, a small souvenir shop. And on the roof of the building is a large viewing platform with a panorama of 360 degrees, with a breathtaking view on the sea, mountains and coast. Even if the sky is cloud-from there, you can consider Kemer and is located near village – Kemer and Camyuva. And on a clear day you can see the whole countryside from the town of Finike to side resorts. In addition, the Upper station of the available Hiking in the mountains, and by reservation for groups are organized interesting evening performance.

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The cable car to the top of mount Tahtali
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