Catholic Church of the assumption Photo: Catholic Church of the assumption

In ancient Kerch have a surprise of curious tourists, because this city is full of various attractions, among which special attention is a cult. There are temples that serve as a prayer of buildings for different religions. All buildings of different ages and each has its own special beauty, in its own interest, however, is to stop focusing on a single ancient temple, which became famous due to the fact that is the only spiritual home Kerch Catholic community.

In the city centre, Theatre street, surrounded by beautiful towering slender structure – the Roman Catholic Church of the assumption of the virgin. Ahead of him is a stone frieze and a low wrought iron fence, right behind her – two of a tall tree, which give the facade of the temple picturesqueness. Built this temple was more than a century and a half ago, and nowadays is one of the main Kerch among the iconic sights.

Catholic Church of the assumption was erected in 1831 – 40 years. Funds for its construction were allocated the Italian community. For almost 10 years, was built by unknown architects impressive, majestic building, designed in classical style. Easy white temple, reminiscent of the days of antiquity, stands out among the surrounding buildings.

Front facade resembles a four-columned portico with a triangular pediment crowned by a Latin cross, another cross is located above the main entrance, only he's already made of dark material. On the lateral walls of the temple there are ten Windows: rectangular bottom, and the top is semicircular. In the architecture of the building, there are no complex, intricate elements, and that is, perfectly combined with the white color gives it an amazing lightness and weightlessness. In the warmer months, when the temple is surrounded by green trees, it is particularly impressive for its harmony, lack of spare parts, characteristic of cult buildings, and complements the beauty of nature.

During the Soviet rule of the assumption Catholic Church abolished, like most religious buildings in Crimea, and in it was housed the gym until the 90-ies, after which he was again returned to the Catholic community. At the time, he was in a deplorable condition, – without Windows and doors, with a broken roof. Just within six years of the assumption Church was completely restored and acquired the appearance that it had in the nineteenth century. During the restoration work by local artists were written two large icons "Christ, have mercy" and "assumption". The temple walls are decorated with iconography depicting the way of the Cross of Christ. The temple harmonious, spacious and gives the impression imbued with light.

Today at the assumption Church again conducted the service, and to visit any tourist in Kerch.

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