The Church of the intercession on Solomenka Photo: Church of the intercession on Solomenka

The Church of the intercession on Solomenka (also often called the Svyato-Pokrovsky temple) is one of the most valuable relics of Kiev and architectural monument. The Church building was erected in 1897 by the famous architect of the time And.Nikolaev. The customer of construction of the temple was made by the Kiev city Council, wishing thus to honor the memory of Metropolitan of Kiev and Galicia Plato (Gorodetsky). The people of Kiev this temple used to call "Plato's Church on Stadium". Also this temple went down in history that in 1905-1919, its Abbot was Basil lypkivskyi, later created and spearheaded the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church. At the Church, from the very moment of its Foundation, there was a parochial school, famous for the level of education that she gave. Thanks to this parochial school many parishioners who have not had opportunities to study at schools (in which the tuition was paid) were able to obtain basic literacy and numeracy.

After the construction of the temple is relatively long served as a place for prayer. Already in the years of Soviet power, who mercilessly fought the Church, every effort was made to Church of the intercession on Solomenka no longer even remotely resemble the temple. To this end, since the temple was cleared of all of the dome, the bell tower was demolished, the bell – melted. The Shrine was used in the best tradition of the time as a utility room. Only now the Church, passed to the community of the Kyiv Patriarchate, is gradually restored by the parishioners. In addition to the restoration work of the parishioners are trying to restore the once glorious parochial school, inviting all comers to learn the basics of the Christian culture and history.

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