Pokrovo-Nicholas Church Photo: Pokrovo-Nicholas Church

Wonderful decoration of the city is Pokrovo-Nicholas Church in Klaipeda. Its architecture reflects the canons and traditions of Russian Orthodox architecture. He was laid in 2000, during the period when I began to recover and build many Orthodox churches. But its construction was not easy: prayer and donations, material costs and diligence not only priests but also of the parishioners themselves.

In Klaipeda since 1946 acted Orthodox Church of All saints, built in the center of the city, but over time it became insufficient for the needs of the Orthodox population so it was decided to build a new Church on the outskirts of the city. The chapels of the temple was consecrated in honor of the Intercession of the Mother of God and St. Nicholas. And no coincidence, as St. Nicholas of Myra has long been recognized as the patron Saint of sailors and of all floating upon the waters, and in the port city in honor of the consecration of his temple natural. The Intercession of the Mother of God, one of the most revered holidays in Russia, refers to the protection of the virgin of the needy, the traveller, and all Christians.

District was chosen for construction - Smiltene. It was not easy to determine the site for the temple, as the soil was unstable, shaky. But with great difficulty, still an island of solid ground was discovered. And from the beginning of construction on consecrated passed through the prayers that were made by the Archimandrite Anthony Buravlev and the Archpriest Elias Shapiro. Parishioners helped not only by prayer but also by the opening of fundraising for fairs organized by them. All helped, than could: held Saturdays, and helped to dig a pit, build a forest, was on duty. Building a roof quite quickly. In the chapel of St. Nicholas established the "Calvary" and the iconostasis, the work of the Vilnius Woodcarver Vladimir Podgorny, many icons were painted by a local artist Margaret Artamonova.

At the consecration of St. Nicholas to the throne, the faithful observed an unusual natural phenomenon: at the beginning of the procession, a strong wind suddenly stopped, calmed down the storm over the temple and highlighted three of the rainbow, as a sign that our lady of the shroud over them is present.

But still had to experience a lot of difficulties. A lack of funds, experience of the head of construction was influenced by the fact that in 2001, work was halted for almost three years. Not brought to an end the construction of the Church was not put to conservation, and therefore was destroyed, and in order to continue the work needed to put a lot of effort, including material.

Lithuanian Orthodox diocese in 2004 has appointed an experienced priest – Dean of Kaunas district, rector of the Cathedral of the Annunciation Anatoly Stalbovskogo. As in the parish at that time was running out of funds, had to resort to the help of sponsors, they were donators Alexander Popov, Vladimir Romanov, Vladimir Stefanov. At the expense of local entrepreneurs as well was installed in the dome of the bell tower, created the parish library. The assistance provided and other residents of the city: adorned, decorated the temple. And now all who participated in the construction of the temple, can rightfully be proud of such a magnificent architectural complex.

The temple was built by the Russian architect Dmitry a program of organizing". Built it specialists-builders from the workshop "Dabor", Penza. Not one new Church built their productions on the territory of Russia and abroad. The buildings blend harmoniously with the natural landscape. The smooth form of the temple, semicircles, prosody, apse create the impression of elegant figure. The whole structure resembles the architecture of the temples of Ancient Russia. On the feast of the Intercession of the mother of God in 2007, the Metropolitan of Vilnius and Lithuanian Chrysostom was consecrated on the iconostasis, the bells in the new Church.

Currently the Church complex is almost complete. Built the bell tower, the Church house, which opened Sunday school library. Laid the Foundation for the house of the priests and workshops. Parishioners of this wonderful temple was a large part of the Orthodox inhabitants of the city of Klaipeda. Supported by the parish and serve in the temple, rural Dean of Kaunas-klaipėda district Archpriest Anatoly Stalbovsky, Protopriest Gregory Neurica, father Alexander Orinko.

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