Kosovo Museum of the liberation struggle Carpathian region Photo: Kosovo Museum of the liberation struggle Carpathian region

Kosovo Museum of the liberation struggle Carpathian region located in Kosiv, street Independence, 55. A Museum dedicated to historical events, 1920-1954 was created March 11, 1999 according to the decision of the session of the Kosovo district Council, jointly with the regional organization of the Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists. Since 2004, the Museum was part of the state Museum Fund of Ukraine, and since 2006 has become a branch of the regional Museum.

The exposition of the Museum was developed with the use of lighting effects and sound. In the Museum of the liberation struggle of the Carpathian region there are more than 1440 pieces. Thematic exposition of the Kosovo Museum spans the gap 20-50-ies of the XXth century and covers all the glorious pages of Ukrainian statehood, which included: the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, the struggle of civilians from the occupying regimes, the Organization of Ukrainian nationalists and the repressions against Ukrainians. The origins of the Museum are based on material collected by the participant of the Ukrainian Resistance Movement Daria Koshak, materials Yavoriv photo archive of the UPA, the documents and exhibits that were in the Museum is different from caring people.

The main purpose of the Museum is to preserve the memory of truthful, not distorted by the Soviet ideology, the history of the liberation struggle of the Ukrainian people and to develop patriotism in the modern Ukrainian youth. To do this, the Museum has a small library that everyone can enjoy. The Museum also houses the book of memory of victims of repression, which lists the names of the victims.

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