The memorial to the victims of fascism Photo: memorial to the victims of fascism

The memorial to the victims of fascism in the Park "Youth of the grove, which is the most visited tourist "green" zone in Krasnodar, located in the Northern part of the city. The sculptural composition was opened in 1975 on the day of the thirtieth anniversary of the victory over fascism, and it is one of the many monuments that have survived from the Soviet era and is dedicated to the anniversary dates of the victory in the great Patriotic war. According to historical data, used in place of the monument were anti-tank ditches, which the Germans threw off the dead bodies of people who were gassed or died from the horrible torture.

The composition shows the times of the great Patriotic war and immortalized the memory of thirteen thousand civilians who perished during the Nazi terror. Thirteen green squares that are part of the complex, symbolize this terrifying figure.

The sculpture represents a collective image of the entire Krasnodar people, it is possible to recognize the figure of a soldier and the old man, then there is a young guy, and the little girl. Marble slab contains the inscription: "Remember, remember, remember, the people. The name of the killer - fascism! ". The project of the monument designed by sculptor I. P. Smagula and architect I. I. Golovacheva.

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