Krasnoyarsk drama theatre. A. S. Pushkin Photo: Krasnoyarsk drama theatre. A. S. Pushkin

Krasnoyarsk drama theatre named after A. S. Pushkin is one of the oldest theatres in Siberia.

The first wooden building was erected in 1873, the Initiator of its construction, and the main sponsor was the merchant of the second Guild I. Krause. The first two seasons on the stage was made by the company entrepreneur A. Egorova. He tried to create in Siberia first permanent troupe. In 1897-1898 at the theater played the troupe S. Bragin, famous tragedians brothers Adelheim. In 1897, in the city of Krasnoyarsk outstanding Russian actors M. I. Pisarev and G. N. Fedotov gave some great performances.

In October 1898, the wooden theatre was completely destroyed. For several years, funds were raised for the erection of a new building. The Grand opening of the theater took place in February 1902, he was named after the famous Russian poet A. S. Pushkin. In the same year his work start drama group K., Krasnova, which marked the beginning of the existence of a permanent theatre in Krasnoyarsk. In 1935, after the formation in 1934 of the Krasnoyarsk territory, the theatre received a new name - the Krasnoyarsk regional drama theatre named after A. S. Pushkin. Small stage of the theatre was opened in 1987

The last decades of creative theatrical life was marked with new names. At the end of the 2005-2006 season, the talented Director Oleg Rybkin set of the drama performance based on the play by Alexander Ostrovsky's "Talents and admirers". In August 2006, he headed the theater named after A. S. Pushkin. In the future, Oleg Rybkin staged "King Lear" by William Shakespeare, musical children's tale, "merry Christmas, uncle Scrooge!" on the novel by Charles Dickens and "the Threepenny Opera" by B. Brecht, "the Seagull" by A. Chekhov, "Dark alleys" by I. Bunin and many other performances that have received a lot of positive feedback.

Since 2008, the theatre is the organizer of the annual Festival of modern dramaturgy named "drama. New Code".

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