Krasnoyarsk Museum of local lore Photo: Krasnoyarsk Museum of local lore

Krasnoyarsk Museum of local lore is one of the largest and oldest museums of Siberia. The Museum exhibition space reaches 3, 5 thousand sq. m.

The Museum is housed in a building erected in 1914 by the Author of this project became known Krasnoyarsk architect-artist L. A. Chernyshev. The Museum building is built in the architectural style of "modern" and the stylization of the ancient Egyptian temple. The project L. A. Chernyshev was offered as a gift to his hometown. At present, the Museum building is an architectural monument of regional significance in the first half of the twentieth century

Krasnoyarsk Museum of local lore was founded in February 1889 on the initiative of the public representatives of the local intelligentsia - Y. P. and I. A. Matveevy. In October 1903, the Museum gave the Krasnoyarsk branch of the East Siberian Department of the Imperial Russian geographical society. After, in 1920, the Museum was transferred to the people's Committee of education. Then changed the name of the institution at the State Museum of the Yenisei region". In 1935, the Museum acquired its current name, the Krasnoyarsk regional Museum.

Today the Museum has more than 470 thousand units, which allowed it to become the largest Museum collection in the Urals. The Museum collection reflects the history of the region, from ancient times to the present day. Are especially valuable archaeological, ethnographic, paleontological collections and the natural science collection, which are of world importance.

In the structure of the Krasnoyarsk local history Museum consists of the Museum-ship "St. Nicholas", Udinsky library, the house-Museum of P. Krasikov, Memorial V. Astafiev in the village of Oatmeal and Literary Museum. In addition, guests can avail the meeting facilities, a Museum shop, café and recreation area.

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