The Church Of St. Ivan in the village of Shepherd Photo: Church Of St. Ivan in the village of Shepherd

The Church of St. Ivan is a medieval Church located in the area called "dolní Monastery", one kilometre from the village shepherd in the area of Kyustendil. The construction is a single-nave building with a semi-cylindrical apse, and the dimensions are 7, 5 meters in length and 3, 5 – wide. The overall architecture of the temple is typical of the XV-XVII centuries – the historical period that includes the construction of the Church. However, the presence of an open porch (Annex building at the entrance to the temple) did this building is unique in Western Bulgaria those years: the entrance to the Church is made in the form of a broad arch with no door, and the walls on each side of him are two large arched doorways.

The appearance of the temple makes an interesting a large number of used in the construction materials. Basically it is a gypsum bonded multi-colored river rocks – grey, beige, brown, blue, green, etc. However, in order to achieve the greatest decorative effect, was also used skillfully hewn red bricks: they lined up along the edges of the three arches. All this makes a small Church building bright and interesting.

In the XVI century, when the temple was built, the walls and ceiling inside it was decorated with frescoes, but due to adverse climatic conditions and lack of proper care to our days they survived. In 50-ies of the last century, some fragments of wall paintings can be seen in the chancel. Thanks to the efforts of Professor Asen Vasiliev kept the description of these images. Apparently, the Church was painted by an experienced master whose name remains unknown. Unfortunately, its rich heritage is forever lost to Bulgarian art. All the paintings that adorn today the Church of St. Ivan, is the result of work by contemporary authors, made during the restoration.

In the 90-ies of XX century during repair work was restored the original appearance of the temple. The only exception was the roof is semi – cylindrical stone was substituted for wood, covered with tiles.

The Church is a monument of architecture of national value, which was consecrated in honor of St. Ivan of Rila the Wonderworker is one of the most famous Bulgarian saints, patron Saint of the Bulgarian people.

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