Flea market on Portobello road Photo: Flea market on Portobello road

Portobello road is one of the most famous market streets in the world. It lasts through the whole neighborhood of Notting hill is more than three miles of shops, stalls, tents, open shelves, and here the Saturday Antiques market is the largest on the planet.

The street is named after the farm "Portobello", built in 1740. The farm got it the romantic name in honor of the victory over Porto Bello (modern-day Panama) in the war with Spain. There was a real countryside – six acres of fields and meadows. The city came here for the Victorian era. Now Portobello road is a long winding street. Small narrow houses a width in one or two Windows – blue, red, pink, lilac – create a very nice skyline.

The already well-known area is glorified even more when in 1999 they released romantic Comedy "Notting hill" with Hugh Grant and Julia Roberts in the lead roles. The film, many scenes of which were filmed right on Portobello road, showed the seething life of the street. Still, tourists are looking for in Notting hill house with a blue door" in which the hero lived the Grant, and a travel bookshop. The door has long blue room, where the plot was a store, not just changed owners, but the atmosphere of market street is the same – the shouts of traders, multilingual hubbub of the crowd, the smells of food. Hero Grant called Notting hill village in the middle of the city, and in some sense this is true: here all know each other, and sellers, and local residents.

Basically Portobello road is famous for its Antiques market, open on Saturdays. They say that a person may be searched, he would find it here. If the buyer is coming here for the first time, he can not worry about getting lost – you just have to leave the metro at the station "Notting hill gate" and follow the flow of people, which will lead into the thick of the market. Copper kettles, embroidered handkerchiefs, concert tickets Beatles, faded love letters, Meissen porcelain, Cutlery, jewelry, books, photographs, paintings – to rummage through the shelves for hours.

Also here selling fruit, vegetables, bread, fish, cheese. Late on Saturday, when the market is closed, it is possible for one pound to buy a whole box of fruit. There are street stalls and shops selling clothing and footwear, there is a section second-hand. Right there, on the market, they can have Breakfast and lunch – eat a hot dog on the go or sit in the restaurant, Asian or Mediterranean cuisine. The most important advice, which the locals always give to the tourist, to watch the wallet and things: the market is the market.

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