Exceptional plateau Photo: plateau is Exceptional

Is exceptional the plateau is located in predbalkanski area in the North of Bulgaria. To the South-East of the plateau is the town of Lovech. The composition of the plateau consists of nine villages, consisting of the municipalities of Letnitsa, Sevlievo and Lovech: Brestova, Devetaki, Krushuna, Karpacheva, Agate, mountain Plum, dam, Katrina and TEPAV.

Exceptional is national ecological network Natura 2000. The total area of the plateau is 7892, 91 hectares.

On-site is Exceptional plateau the climate is temperate continental. It is home to 9 species of amphibians and 12 species of reptiles. Among them you can meet the European marsh turtle, newt Krelina and eskulapovy runner. On the territory of the plateau is dominated by Pannonian forests of ordinary hornbeam and sessile oak, Euro-Siberian steppe oak forests and riverine mixed forest, where there are smooth elm, common oak and mountain ash.

The plateau is important for ornithology. It is home to 82 species of birds, including many rare and protected. For example, the cormorant corncrake, herons, hawks, falcons, several species of larks and woodpeckers. In addition, there were 9 species of bats. 34 species of mammals inhabit the plateau is Exceptional. For example, gopher, badger, Eastern hedgehog, deer, Fox, wild cat, wolf, boar, etc.

On the territory of the plateau is Exceptional, consisting mainly of calcareous rocks, are found in almost all types of underground karst formations, and terrain. There are ravines, bogs and karst and caves, and chasms, and whirlpools.

On the territory of the plateau is more available for tourists caves. For example, is Exceptional cave, Big and Small Galvanize located near the village of mountain Plum, cave Stilbite near the village of Karpacheva, cave Vutova and cave Pages. Among other natural attractions can be mentioned Krushenski waterfall, situated in the area Maarata.

In Exceptional plateau are also interesting cultural attractions. For example, the castle in the village of Plum, the Church with one of the heavy Bulgarian bells in Agate, St. George the Martyr in Brestova. Interesting are also the remains of the Roman and Thracian periods in areas Gradit and "Kuklensko the hunch" - Museum established on the site of the final battle of the famous revolutionary of Bulgaria Vasil Levski.

In many villages of the plateau is Exceptional for tourists are the houses and in the village TEPAV have to take delivery of the bike.

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