Castle Aggstein Photo: Castle Aggstein

The ruins of the ancient castle Aggstein are one of the very interesting and mysterious attractions of Lower Austria. The castle was founded in the XII century, at a very favorable defensive positions. Before the castle covered an area of 1 hectare, walls rested on the mighty rocks, and the upper part of the castle towered na meters above the Danube.

In 1181 the castle was in the possession of the kind Kuningan. In 1230 Kuningan rebelled against Frederick II, who was forced to besiege and capture the castle. Several years later, the former owners of the castle managed to get it back, consolidating the relationship with the Emperor. But good times did not last so long, the barons Kuningan again revolted against Albrecht I. Thus, at 1295-96 the years, the castle was re-conquered by the Emperor and taken away from its owners. But this time Cunningham managed to regain the castle. This time they were the rightful owners until 1355.

In the fifteenth century the Emperor Albrecht V gave the castle Georg von Wald. The Emperor wanted to bring order to the castle, and also to make the castle a sort of custom to the following on the Danube merchant ships being paid. Such opportunities and unlimited power turned von Wald in a greedy robber. Corrupt practices looting passing ships lasted until 1477, when the Emperor put an end to the stealing, taking the lock.

In 1529 the castle was completely looted by Turkish troops. After this period followed a series of new owners who cared little about the preservation and maintenance of the castle, until in 1930 Aggstein not bought of the Earl of Seilern-Aspag, whose family owns it today.

In the early 2000-ies were carried out extensive repair work with state support. As part of this project was updated masonry, repaired sewer and water, created Banquet hall.

Today the castle Aggstein visited by about 55 thousand of tourists every year.

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