The Basilica of the Abbey. Vincent (Vincent) Photo: Basilica of the Abbey. Vincent (Vincent)

The history of the Abbey. Vincent has more than a thousand years. The first religious building has stood on this spot in the second half of X century, it was a small chapel. Then the local Bishop Theodoric the First decided to build a monastery, where he placed brought from Italy the relics of two saints Vincent and Lucy, who was martyred for the faith. Lucie and was known for his miracles of healing, and its remains and is rushed huge flow of pilgrims, because the Saint their patron Lucius considered not only the blind and the poor.

After three hundred years the Abbey of St. Vincent was not only influential monastery, but also a recognized center of education in the Duchy of Lorraine. In this regard, it was started the reconstruction and expansion of the monastery, the construction of new, larger buildings instead of the old one. So in the middle of the XIII century was demolished monastery Church, however, the new one was built only a hundred years, but later the building has survived to the present time. Work on the redevelopment of the Abbey was carried out in the course of several centuries, and by the second half of the XVIII century, the Church had a facade that combined parts of three orders – the Corinthian, ionic and Doric, and two were built neo-Gothic arches.

During the great French revolution, the period of creation in the life of the Abbey ended, and began the short period of its destruction until 1803 the Church was located in the stables, and then the temple was returned to the Church. However, part of the Abbey and remained busy secular institutions Lyceum Faber, tobacco factory, the Commissariat and other. In the nineteenth century, the Church acquired the stained glass Windows, executed by the city master Laurent-Charles moreshalya bold and sculpted images of saints Vincent and Lucy and bas-reliefs with scenes from their lives.

In Metz the Church is located on the island Chamber, currently it is not valid.

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