The Church at the autobahn Photo: Church at the autobahn

One of the interesting churches in Baden-Baden – the Church of the autobahn. It is located close to the A5 road, and certainly attracts attention with its interesting form. Modern pyramid bears little resemblance to the Church shape, however the interior of this Church is much more traditional.

The idea of such an unusual shape for such structures come to mind Friedrich Zwingmann, and the Church bears the name of St. Christopher, which is traditionally the Keeper of the drivers and sailors. The structure itself was built of wood combined with concrete and glass, but it makes a surprisingly light impression. The internal space of the Church modernized, but at the expense of the circle, which appears not only in the design of the altar, but also in the stained glass Windows, creating the illusion of involvement in the action regardless of the location of the person within the Church.

Interestingly, in addition to the traditional services, there are often concerts of Church choirs, and acoustics, by the way, allows you to perform serious works so great that take your breath away. Anyone who has ever visited this Church, always returning here again and again because the ambiance of the temple has become famous not only in Germany but also abroad.

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