Art Museum T. V. Maslennikov Photo: Museum of Art T. V. Maslennikov

Mogilev regional art Museum named after Maslennikov opened on 19 November 1990. On 22 January 1996, the Museum was named after Belarusian artist, painter, art historian, Pavel Maslennikov.

The Museum was allocated a building – a monument of architecture of the XX century, built in the style of Russian art Nouveau. Previously, it housed a branch of the peasant land Bank. After the revolution, in the office of the Bank opened its first national Museum of proletarian culture, and then – historical Museum, which existed in this building until 1932.

The Museum collection consists of works of realistic art of the XVII-XIX centuries, as well as the old Belarusian icons. But the main pride of the Museum is the collection of works of Belarusian artists V. K. Byalynitsky-Birulya, V. Kudrevich, A. Bartkova, V. Gromyko, M. Belencoso, P. Maslennikov, L. Marchenko, N. Fedorenko, F. Kiseleva, G. Kononova, M. and G. Tablica, V. urkovi, W. Sportova, V. Rubtsov and others. In the gallery Maslennikov exhibited paintings of Pavel. In addition to the permanent exhibition, themed exhibitions of his work.

The Museum's restoration workshop. Here master restorers are working on the restoration of works of art.

The Museum hosts exhibitions of modern art: Belarusian painting, graphics, sculpture. The Museum has an extensive educational program for children and youth. Held interesting lectures on the history of art and the national peculiarities of Belarusian art, hosts festivals, exhibitions, works in the music room.

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