Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel Photo: Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel

Cathedral of the Holy Archangel Michael – Orthodox temples with ancient history.

In 1645 in Mozyr invited Bernardine monks retired Colonel Stefan Lozko. He built for Bernardine wooden monastery donated under the monastery needs the earth. The middle of the XVII century was marked by the Belarusian land wars and unrest. During this hectic time of the entire city of Mozyr was almost wiped off the face of the earth. Not survived and the Bernardine monastery.

The restoration of the town began only when the Grand Prince of Lithuania Jan III Sobieski in 1678, who ordered the rebuild your town. This monarch was famous for having stopped the Muslim invasion of Europe. In 1745, began construction of the stone of the Bernardine monastery. Financed the construction of a noble Mozyr rod Askeric. The monastery was built in the late Baroque style. The monastery complex also included a library and a school. In the crypt of the monastery was constructed tomb kind Askeric.

After the uprising of the national liberation movement in the XIX century the monastery was closed. Within its walls housed the city's presence and the hospital. In 1864, after repeated fires, the city authorities decided to close the hospital, and the building of the temple to convey the Orthodox Church. After repairing the temple was re-consecrated in honor of the Holy Archangel Michael.

After the revolution of 1917 the Church was waiting for the terrible fate – in the sacred walls of the monastery staged a prison of the NKVD. Here their fate was waiting for the bombers. More than 2000 death sentences have been pronounced and executed.

The Cathedral was opened and consecrated again in the great Patriotic war. He almost never closed in Soviet times. Officially an active Orthodox Church since 1951.

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