The Church of the Annunciation in the city of Kola Photo: the Church of the Annunciation in the city of Kola

The Annunciation Church is a historic stone building, located in the city of Kola. In the old days the Church was a part of a single complex-tee together with the resurrection Cathedral, built of wood, and bell tower. Main temple altar was consecrated in the name of the Annunciation of the blessed virgin Mary, after the Annunciation is one of the most important gospel events, namely the announcement by the Archangel Gabriel of St. Mary of the forthcoming birth of Jesus Christ.

The history of the Church of the Annunciation begins with the consecration of another wooden Church in 1533. In these times the Church has served more for the Lapps, who began to convert to Christianity during the great reign of Prince Vasily Ivanovich. After some time, together with the resurrection Cathedral and the bell tower, the Church of the Annunciation to the North tee Kola in jail.

The erection of the Church began after the petition koljanin Andrei Gerasimov before the great Emperor Paul the First, after which consent, in the summer of July 7, 1800, was held for the laying of the first stone Church of the Annunciation. First, there was a special pit dug, and then laid the Foundation, and then started a masonry plinth. In the spring of 1804 had completed construction of the stone Church, and then remained only to make the finish of the building and complete the masonry of the bell tower.

The last finishing works were completed in Popov D. I. – the rich peasant, which was built a wooden dome on the site of the destroyed in the process of construction stone. 7 August 1807 the Church was completely finished, and then was held a solemn ceremony of handing over the possession of the Church's spiritual authority.

The Church building is the Church of the Annunciation consists of a cubic double-height main Church, equipped with a five-sided altar, and a large refectory room, which from the West connects with a hipped bell tower, built in an "octagon on square". The role of the winter Church performed the refectory, containing two chapels: one from the North – the all-merciful Saviour, intended for Christ's feasts, and from the South side – St. Alexis the man of God. Some time later, a chapel dedicated to the Saviour was consecrated in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. On the existence of chapels today said lateral arch, located in the wall between the main room of the Church and refectory.

One of the prominent and memorable features of the Church became huge size faceted onion shape dome, which had been planted without the drum on the main quadrangle.

In the Church of the Annunciation is unique, made of wood good cross, Dating back to the year 1635, which was amazing monument of Federal importance. According to legend, the cross was conducted at Kola the Governor Volyntseve G. I. in honor of the famous priest Barlaam Keretsky, in gratitude for the healing from the terrible disease. It is worth noting that Barlaam is still not canonized, although local Pomors have long considered him a Saint.

Originally, the cross was placed near a small Bay, near the ship pier and worshiped by merchants and fishermen before the beginning of his commercial Affairs, they prayed near it, thus thanks for a saved life and a good catch. In the early 19th century, the cross was moved to the old chapel merciful Saviour, and after tripled canopy above him. In the 20th century the cross was near the road, and then in the 1960-ies it blew, and then found and installed in the Church building of the Annunciation Church. By order of the RSFSR Council of Ministers of 4 December 1974 the cross was recognized as a real architectural monuments of Federal value.

In 1937 the Soviet government closed many churches that have touched and the Church of the Annunciation. During 1954-1958, the Church was reopened and gradually recovered. Since 1962 the Church was constructed as a warehouse, but by the 1980s, she was again restored. In 1992, returned to the Orthodox Church.

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