The Museum Of Hero Of The Soviet Union N. F. Gastello Photo: The Museum Of Hero Of The Soviet Union N. F. Gastello

Memorial Museum of the Hero of the USSR.F. Gastello was opened in 1976 in a small classroom of school No. 33, in which trained future hero. Next year the Museum has been passported.

In the mid-1980 memorial Museum was awarded the title "Honored school Museum". The total exhibition area memorial Museum is 47 sqm, with this square, there are over 500 exhibits, which are collected as a result of long and laborious work is not only teachers, but also students of the school.

The Museum features a unique collection of original materials that accurately characterize family life Gastello in Moore, and also represent the tools with which Nikolai Frantsevich worked in the workshops. In addition, here are photos, notes people who remembered him during his life, and the artifacts found by search teams.

To the 85th anniversary of the school was to open the second room of the Museum, which tells of the Hero of the USSR, the naval Aviator Eugene Ivanovich Francie and history of the school.

The third hall of the Museum is called "Distant Russian aviation". It was collected material on 207-m bomber shelf, and it has passed the service Gastello. It is known that in this same regiment had been his meeting with pilots aviation Engels, who visited not only Moore, but school №33, leaving a gift of the model modern aircraft TU-160. Today, the memorial Museum has approximately 120 various items, of which 72 are represented by photographs, and 14 belong to the collections of the Museum of aviation, located under the open sky Engels.

The Museum offers tours in German, Russian and English languages. Each option corresponds to a specific age visitors, for example, "Childhood Gastello N." designed for pupils of 1-4 classes, "Hobbies Gastello N." for children in grades 5-7.

In the spring of 2005 at the Museum underwent a major renovation, after which he became the winner of regional competition of school museums, as well as the winners of a nationwide competition.

Nikolai Frantsevich Gastello was born 23 April 1908 in Moscow, in a small family of simple worker; by nationality he was a Belarusian. For some time he worked as a mechanic at the locomotive works, and then worked at the state plant mechanical construction equipment.

Starting in 1930 and ending in 1932, N. F. Gastello lived in the village of Khlebnikov. In the spring of 1932, according to the special set, he was drafted into the squad of the red army. The following year he graduated from the famous Lugansk aviation military school for the training of pilots. In the period from 1934 to 1939 he served in bomber aviation brigade in the city of Rostov-on-don.

It should be noted that Nikolai Frantsevich from the first day of the great Patriotic war was her party, after all, his first sortie, he held on 22 June 1941 at 5:00 am. During the first days of the war his regiment suffered huge losses. The planes and the pilots who remained, June 24 were formed in 2 squadrons. It was at this moment Nikolai Gastello became commander of the squadron formed.

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