The Fortress Of Chora Photo: The Fortress Of Chora

One of the main and most interesting attractions of the Greek island of Naxos is undoubtedly Castro, a medieval fortress built by the Venetians. Grandiose fortification stands on top of a small hill with a height of about 30 m in the historic centre of the homonymous capital of the island.

At the beginning of the 13th century, after the Fourth crusade, the Venetians under the command of a merchant Mark Sanudo conquered part of the Cyclades Islands, in the lands where as a result founded the Duchy of Naxos (the Duchy of the Archipelago) with the main residence on the island of Naxos. Marco sanudo became its first Duke. Actually according to his decree on the ruins of the ancient Acropolis and was built an imposing fortress to the Venetians, who became an important administrative, cultural and religious center.

The construction of the fortress began in 1207. During the work, as building materials were predominantly used various architectural fragments of ancient buildings, including the marble blocks from the destroyed temple of Apollo. The fortress was a huge building pentagonal shape with three inputs and seven defensive towers. Behind the massive walls were hidden well fortified medieval village with a maze of narrow cobbled streets with multiple arched ceilings, old mansions (on the doors of some of them and today you can see the family crest Venetian nobility) and churches.

One of the most interesting places of the old fortress, of course, is an old mansion belonging to the family of Della Rocco Barosi, the walls of which today is the beautiful Venetian Museum. In the summer it hosts a variety of cultural events. Huge interest and located in an old school building of the Archaeological Museum, which is considered one of the best in the Cyclades Islands, the Catholic Cathedral (13th century) on the main square of Castro and the tower of Krispy (Glezos).

The castle is quite well preserved to our days, and is a wonderful example of Venetian military architecture, as well as an important historical monument. Strolling through the narrow streets of the Castro, you will get a lot of fun and excitement and will be able to fully experience the atmosphere of the medieval city.

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