Chapel of the Holy Trinity and the Holy shroud Photo: Chapel of the Holy Trinity and the Holy shroud

Catholic chapel of the most Holy Trinity and the Holy shroud is in the Old town, very close to the Cours Saleya market – you just have to literally turn the corner on the Rue Jules Gilly, and here it is, a beautiful, yellow building. The chapel was recently restored, but inside it is cozy and elegant. But before you enter, you should admire it from afar – it's better visible low bell tower with a small dome, covered with colored glazed tiles still Genoese fashion.

This bell tower was built in 1824 to the building, erected much earlier – between 1657 and 1660. Then, in the first quarter of the nineteenth century, slightly changed and the chapel, put it on the original Baroque elements of the neoclassical style.

The restructuring was necessary because during the French revolution was erupting in nice, the French confiscated the old chapel, it was abandoned and turned into an almost in ruins. After the fall of Napoleon and the return of nice to Sardinia in the city appeared again the Brotherhood of the penitent. It is a Catholic fraternity, the purpose of which, in particular, is to help the poor, was once very popular in the County of nice. Various branches of the fraternity are called by the color of the robes – for example, white, black or red. Red penitent restored the chapel and nourished it until now. Here you can often meet people in bright red (the color of the blood of Christ) robes.

The dedication of the chapel of the Holy shroud is not accidental. The shroud is now kept in the Turin Cathedral of St. John the Baptist ancient linen cloth, in which, as expected, wrapped taken down from the cross of Jesus, and then on the fabric prints stood out of His Face and Body. The Catholic Church officially neither confirms nor refutes the authenticity of the relics, and scientists have still not come to a final conclusion, continue to explore.

Now the Shroud is exhibited on display very rare, but before, for hundreds of years, it not only showed, but transported from city to city. She was in nice, was kept in the castle, and on 29 March 1537 it was solemnly shown to the people from the tower of St. Elmo (now in the place is built in the XIX century the tower of Bellanda). In honor of this event, a chapel, and bears the name of the Holy shroud. Just named a tiny narrow street, extending from the temple.

The shroud is dedicated to two impressive paintings that can be seen in the chapel: altar image Paul-Emile Barberey and the creation of a local artist of the seventeenth century Joan Gasparo Baldino. Special attention deserves carved wood sculptural group depicting the Holy Hospitia nice at the time of the attack of the barbarians (a miracle happened, and Gentile, who wanted to kill the hermit, unable to move my hand). People and admire the statue of St. Theresa of the Child Jesus – it depicts the deceased. Reminder about this especially revered Catholic Saint is no accident – in November 1887 Teresa young, who was returning from Rome in Lisieux, spent two days in nice (she and her family lived in the hotel "Beau Rivage").

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