The Archbishop's Palace Photo: The Archbishop's Palace

The famous Archbishop's Palace, located in the capital of Cyprus, Nicosia, is the religious center of all Orthodox part of the island. This building was built in the period from 1956 to 1960 as the residence and headquarters of the Supreme spiritual entity Cyprus – Archbishop. It is located in the vicinity of "the Old Archbishop's Palace", which was created as far back as 1730, and served originally a Benedictine monastery.

The new Palace was built in neo-Byzantine style and is a beautiful three (if you count the basement) building that has a rich and lush decor. It is decorated with high arches, large Windows and elegant moldings. In the yard directly in front of the entrance there is a statue of Archbishop Makarios III to several meters high.

Unfortunately the Palace is closed to tourists, but to get there, because on its territory, and also on the ground floor of the Palace, located: Library of the Archbishopric, the Museum of folk art and the Museum of national struggle. There are stored the most valuable archaeological finds, ancient books and icons, artwork, vintage jewelry and clothing – all those items with which you can learn a lot about the history of Nicosia and Cyprus.

The main attraction of this cultural-religious complex is considered the Byzantine Museum, which houses one of the world's richest collections of ancient icons. In addition, there is also the Cathedral of St. John, which was established in 1662 and is famous for its beautiful frescoes.

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