The mosque (Arab Ahmet Pasha Photo: the Mosque, the Arab Ahmet Pasha

Located in the Western part of the Turkish half of Nicosia ancient mosque Arab Ahmet Pasha is one of the most striking examples of native Ottoman religious architecture. It was built in the late XVI - early XVII centuries and bears the name of one of the generals of the Turkish army, who was also the Governor General of the island of Rhodes. Earlier in her place stood an old Roman Catholic Church. In 1845 the building was completely renovated, and the last time repairs were carried out there at the end of the last century. Now this mosque is one of the most famous in the city.

The building itself has a fairly small size, but is of particular elegance. The roof of the building is crowned with a beautiful dome, the diameter of which is nearly six metres. The facade has an arched colonnade, and the balcony of the minaret – elaborate ornament, carved out of stone. Courtyard of the mosque is adorned with a fine fountain in Oriental style for the washing of the feet before praying. Inside the building is decorated quite simply that is the Middle East's traditional buildings.

Just outside the mosque is a garden with lush greenery is a small cemetery, where are buried the famous Turkish Cypriots, political and public figures. So, there you can see the tombs of the governors of Isaac Pasha and Hafiz Hassan, Grand vizier of Turkey, Kemal Pasha, and many others. In addition, the local Imam will never refuse to speak about the history of Arab Ahmet Pasha and conduct a short tour of this interesting place.

It is also believed that the mosque is kept hair from the beard of prophet Mohammed.

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