Dendrological Park Photo: Arboretum "Laadukas"

Dendrological Park "Laadukas", located in the town of Ogre, better known under the simple name of the Park Shpakovsky. Many visitors believe this Park is one of the most beautiful and scenic parks of Latvia, and the inhabitants of Ogre love is here to spend their free time.

Park Laadukas" was created in the early XX century. At that time, the Park belonged to the estate of Marinhos. After the first world war the Park was in severe disrepair. For a long time after him, no one cared. Residents Ogre Benita and Janis Spakowski together with friends actually recreated the Park. Over the years Spakowski managed to create an extraordinary richness and beauty of the flora of the place. In 1975 "the druids" Chet Spakovsky often referred to in the Ogre began to arrange the Park. Its area is 8, 5 hectares. Currently, the Park has more than 7,000 spaces 412 and different kinds of trees, ornamental shrubs and other plants. There are a lot of wonderful cozy corners: a picturesque Lily pond, a beautiful island of Love, charming promenades.

At the entrance to the Park hosted a huge decorative stone of Devonian limestone labeled "Natural Park "Laadukas". This is a gift from the company "Ogres Buplastmasa".

On an Eminence in the Park Shpakovsky built staircase with 100 steps at the end of which is the Lily pond. These beautiful places are extremely popular among newlyweds. In the Park you can walk along the marsh trail, which is laid in the Park in the form of planks, and has a length of 70 meters. And here there is an observation tower. He climbed on it, you can admire beautiful views of the river Daugava.

For Park decoration Janis shpakovskiy asked to allocate sculpture at the Academy of fine Arts. In the Park you can see the busts of the writer Rudolf Blaumanis, the national poet Janis Rainis.

Visitors to the Park to assure that it is amazing the places that have special power and healing power. And they say that if the men left the woman I love is enough to visit this magical Park, to sit on his quiet glades, stroll along the paths, and the lady who left fan, suddenly realize that her decision to leave was wrong, become very homesick and decides to return.

It is known that in the Park Shpakovsky, a long time ago there was a Shrine, which was mentioned in the Chronicle of Indica. Later, for centuries people have visited this place for healing various diseases, and in the hope of returning favorites.

About every tree, hill, hill, pebble seniors Spakovsky has a very unusual history. For example, before the outbreak of the First world war there have set a glassed-in gazebo. Currently, according to the traditional healers, the Park truly fixed an endless flow of positive energy. However, what is it, and how it can be explained, no one knows. But, if someone dumped or rejected, take a trip to this beautiful Park, walk along its magical paths, and who knows, maybe you all will be, and all will be well.

Park Shpakovsky is a wonderful place to stroll, have a nice time and relax from everyday problems and worries.

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