The Cinema Museum Photo: The Cinema Museum

The most famous Museum of cinema in Latvia located in the small town Capena. Capena is located in the Ogre district, about 30 kilometers from the Ogre and 70 km from Riga. Resides in it 1300 people.

The city Kapene even by the standards of Latvia inconspicuous and small, yet two factors that determine its popularity. First, it is Kapena is the geographical centre of Latvia, therefore, to find the city on the map easily enough. Secondly, in Capena is the famous Museum of cinema, created in the early twenty-first century President of the international film forum "arsenals" August Socketcom.

This Museum is sometimes called the Museum of Sergei Eisenstein (years 1898-1948), which is one of the most famous and revered of Riga. Born Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein in Riga. It is a famous Soviet film Director, screenwriter, film theorist and teacher. In 1935 he was awarded the title of honored art worker of the RSFSR.

The interesting thing is that right at the train station, tourists and visitors can see the exhibition dedicated to the famous film Director Eisenstein. Exposure is very modest, but unique in the world. It is designed with sincere respect and love. Wall station is plastered with pages from the phone book. Here are drawings of Eisenstein. Here in the place of honor exhibited his portrait. "Give me the phone book, and I will make a movie," said the great Director.

And in the hall of the station has an old phone with a disk, on which you can dial the number of the greatest actors and filmmakers, even despite the fact that many of them are no longer among us, and hear the voices of the characters. Phone numbers written on a specially reinforced black Board. But the phone Marilyn Monroe. Maybe call her? To dial a number on an old phone with the disc in our time is quite unusual. And lo! In the tube to hear the voice of gorgeous blondes and music from her movies.

Still here mounted mailboxes, with which you will be able to send his message to the great figures of cinema. If you want you can write the Tengiz Abuladze, Oleg dal, Arnold was dissected, Michelangelo Antonioni, Akira Kurosawa, Kira Muratova, Sergei Parajanov, the Andrzej Wajda, the Juris Podnieks and many others.

In the Museum there are materials about associative cinema, founded by the great film Director Eisenstein. Also here is a rich library with wonderful movies. Next to the Museum of cinema is a furniture giant size in the form of a table and two chairs for the giants of cinema.

The cinema Museum in Capena is one of the most fascinating places in Ogre region, and a genuine interest in visitors.

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