Chameroy fountain Photo: Chameroy fountain

Unusual Chameroy fountain on Kollarova square named after the surname of its Creator – a modern sculptor Ivan Kamera. This famous wizard long nurtured the idea of creating original designs, devoid of water tank. Lastly, the 1968-1969 year, he enlisted the support of friends of Tomas Cernosek and Joseph Stareka, managed to develop the design of the fountain and bring it to life.

The name Ivan Kamera known enlightened people far beyond the borders of the Czech Republic. The sculptor worked a lot in Paris, where he created a number of unique monuments. He emigrated to France, so the project of the fountain and his plaster model sent by mail to his friend Tomas Cernosek, who led the construction of the fountain in Olomouc.

On the green lawn right in the center of the square there is a small concrete pad on which the high pillars of strange form. They consist of various geometric shapes, as if into the common basis. In the stone of the hemisphere is fixed cranes, from which a thin stream of water flows. It trickles through the walls of the pillars and absorbed into the lawn.

Because of the constantly flowing water over rocks in a few decades, they were covered with a thick layer of lichen and has lost its appeal. Therefore, in 1996-1997 was a large-scale reconstruction of the fountain in which he was cleared of extraneous accretions and gave it a more modern and presentable. However, in the twenty-first century has failed, the water supply system, which required large financial influences on which the city has agreed. However, several years the fountain was not in working condition.

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