Cathedral Of The Nativity Photo: Cathedral Of The Nativity

One of the iconic sights of the city of Omsk is the amazing Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ. The temple has an interesting history. In 1975, accordingly new master plan, city of "crossed" the river Irtysh and gradually began to build up its left Bank. In the summer of 1990 on the site of the future temple set up a cross, and then the construction began. This project is done by a team, the head of which was A. Karimov, made by architect A. Slinkin. Supervised the construction of V. Kokorin. As a result, the temple became a real gem of the Left Bank.

Erected to the day of the 2000-year anniversary of the Nativity of Christ Cathedral is visible from almost any point in the city, including the right Bank of the Irtysh river. In December 1997, the Church held its first worship service. The solemn ceremony of consecration of the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ took place on 4 July 1999

The bell tower of the Cathedral is decorated with shining bell "Leonid". So he was named after the local Governor L. K. Polezhaev. He played an important role in the construction of the Cathedral and the reconstruction of other city churches. The height of the graceful Cathedral bell tower is about 42 m. Now the sound of the Church going bell on the left Bank pleases all residents.

Right aisle of the Cathedral was consecrated in the name of the Kaluga icon of the Mother, the left - in honor of the new martyrs and Confessors of Russia, and the lower temple in the name of the Prophet John the Baptist.

At the Cathedral there is a secondary Orthodox school, as well as adult and children's Sunday school, Sisterhood in honor of saints Damian and Cosmas. Worship in the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ are daily.

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