Watchtower Glasco Photo: the Watchtower Glasco

Well, what is the Central square of any Czech town without binding the town Hall? And there can't be a town Hall without a high bell tower, which usually arrange a viewing platform? There are buildings and in Opava!

On the Upper square of the town stands a Guard, she's from the City, it is also the Clock tower, which is called Hlaska. It is connected with the town Hall and it looks like a natural extension and not as an independent object, while in all the guidebooks focus on the tower.

The tower appeared here, perhaps, along with the city. At first it was a high wooden structure designed for multiple time, which was around the clock to observe the surroundings and warn the townspeople about the attack of the enemy. Her first floors were used for storage, for the sale of bread and as a city court. Wooden building standing and further, if not for the lightning, which went straight into the tower and caused the fire. Watchtower burned, and the city needed urgently something to replace it. In 1614-1618, was built a new tower is already of a durable stone that can withstand any weather. Worked on it the architect K. Brochurer. Height City tower reaches 72 meters.

In 1763-1805 years, its first floor was given over to the stage for the city theatre. In the nineteenth century, several floors of the Clock tower were occupied by the city archives. A large-scale renovation of the tower was carried out in 1902-1903. Nowadays the tower houses the offices of the "fathers" of the city and a small cozy cafe.

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Watchtower Glasco
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