The Cathedral of Monreale Photo: the Cathedral of Monreale

The Cathedral of Monreale, also known as Santa Maria Nuova, one of the most impressive churches of Sicily and one of the main tourist attractions of the island. Dedicated to the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary, it is located in the suburbs of Palermo – Monreale, a town with a population of 32 thousand people.

The construction of the Cathedral and standing next to the Benedictine monastery at Monte Caputo has begun in 1174 by king William II the Good. According to the legend, a place to build a new Church Wilhelm pointed out by Mary herself, who appeared to him in a dream and declared that it was the father of king William I of Evil, had hidden untold wealth. In addition, there loved to hunt Arab emirs and come to replace them Normans.

Already in 1176 in the monastery the pilgrims arrived first, and seven years later, it completed the building of the Cathedral. Then, with 1183 for the years 1189, its walls were covered with mosaics – the total area of 130 mosaics of approximately 10 thousand square meters! This is one of the largest mosaic cycles in the world. In 1183 was the first burial in the Cathedral was the burial place of Margaret of Navarre, the mother of Wilhelm II, then here found eternal peace William I, Roger Puglia, Henry Kapelanski and Wilhelm II himself. Already in the late 12th century Cathedral, which received the status of Cathedral acquired its present appearance: the West facade and the apse were decorated with false arches, and the South tower topped by a spire. In 1267 the consecration of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary.

Significant changes in the structure of the Cathedral were held in 15-17 centuries: in the 15th century was built the sacristy, in the 16th century the Cathedral's floor is laid with white Taormina marble, and to the Northern wall was built onto the side porch. Then was built the chapel of St Castrence, in which his relics are now kept. A century later erected the chapel of the Crucifixion in the Baroque style. In 1770 the sculptor Ignazio Marabotti was built on the site of the collapsed 12th-century portico new, more elegant, but discordant with the Norman style of the building.

In the 19th century happened two disasters, partly changed the appearance of the Cathedral. In 1807, the South tower was struck by lightning, resulting in the collapse of the spire, which subsequently was never restored. And in 1811 was a terrible fire that destroyed the ceiling of the work of Arab artists and mosaic and Royal tombs. On the interior decoration of the gone few decades.

Today, the Cathedral of Monreale is an important monument of Norman architecture, which is annually visited by millions of tourists. Its interior has mixed features of Romanesque architecture, applied Arabic and Greek religious art. But the main attraction of the Cathedral is the aforementioned 130 mosaics, written on religious subjects. Interesting fact: the names of the authors of the mosaics have not survived, they could be masters of Constantinople and the local. Residents of Montreal affectionately call this majestic Church La "the Matrix" - the Mother, emphasizing its special significance in the history of the city.

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